Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Rome continued

Today was another day of art. We started early with a Latte and coroneto 
or croissant. Then off by taxi to the Musei Borghese. Wow. Those 6 rooms And 5 sculptures. What can I say. Bernini was am amazing sculptor. The David And the Apollo and Daphne are hard to comprehend. What talent Bernini had. We walked to Samo. My favorite shoe store I the Vis Veneti, but alas. None I wanted in my size. Drat. 
Then a stroll towards the Santa Trinta.Monti. But first a morning break for cappuccino at Trinita a lovely cafe. Then the top of the Spanish Steps and on to Via Baubino and Via Croce. Lots of good shopping. Then back to the Campo di Fiori and lunch at Forno. I had roasted eggplant and B had mushroom. Then a dig and people watch and a bierra. Relaxing for B while I strolled the vegetable market wishing for a kitchen! 
I Spent the afternoon in Trestevere and visited St Maria in Trestavere . A  wonderful church and square.  B took a nap. 
I the afternoon we relaxed on our lovely balcony in the cool shade. Then off to the Raphael Hotel Terrace For a Drink. Well, that is how the other half lives? So wonderful. The views and the service were over the top. I'd go back! 

Dinner was wonderful at Armando al Pantheon. A family run establishment. Great food. By reservation only and I believe that is because all the tables were full for god entire evening. Romans were our table mates. It is not just for tourists. 

B elected  for Grom for the daily gelato dose. Pistachio and mente. Refreshingly  good. Their new place at the corner of Piazza Rotunda near Taza D'Oro. Nice flavors. 
Off to dream,  as tomorrow we day trip out of Rome. 
Ciao ! BounaNotte. 

Ciao ! 

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