Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Castello di Veranzanno

Today was our trip to the countryside of Tuscany for a wine tasting. In the morning we had a lovely breakfast at the hotel , Hotel Benevini. Then, off to the market for a little shopping. Bags for the girls and belts for the guys. What fun! There is always another bag to be admired and bargained for. 
We also took the guys for their first look at   the Mercato Centrale. 

We then met up with Gioia our driver to travel to Greti and Greve. This is about 35 min south of Florence. We had arranged for a wine tour and then wine tasting lunch at Castello di Veranzanno. The weather has been a bit cold as they are also experiencing a late and wet spring. We had intermittent showers throughout the morning but nothing persistent. The wine tour reminded us how old traditions are in Italy. The main tower of the Castello is over 1000 years old. The views of the 500 hectares is classic Tuscany and of course this is Chianti Classico country. 

Chianti Classico 
Beautiful glowers from the garden
Wild boar salami, fettunta
Penne pomoforo
In salata , ribs, wild boar sausage , white beans with sage
Pecorino with aged Basalmic 

Ciao Chianti!  

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