Monday, May 20, 2013

Florence day Due

Today was another terrific day in this magical city. We walked miles, climbed the Campanile at St Maria di Fiore   The views are spectacular. We had spotty wind and rain but it was brief.  The morning walking around the market and then lunch at St Croce. Our favorite spot Baldovino. 
The afternoon spent walking all over Florence. It is so easy to navigate. The girls wanted to see old haunts, their schools and visit favorite locations. 

Dinner was great and quite fun. Aqua al Due. With good wines and pasta. The Basalmic steak followed by tiramisu. 
 A great finish to a great day. 
 Ciao !

Farfalle with fresh porcini mushrooms

Santa Croce
Pesto pizza
Lunch at Baldovino

This in salata with fresh pesto and mozzarella was perfect
Pizza fungi
Pizza rucola and fresh shaved Parmesan 
The Duomo follows us 


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