Friday, May 24, 2013

Bellagio a Roma

Today we go to Roma! It was terribly cold  this morning in Como. 46 degrees and drizzling. New snow on the mountain tops. Apologies from the Hotel staff that "summer is not coming yet "   It made leaving Bellagio less painful. We rolled those bags down the "38" shallow steps down to town center to   the ferry to board the begatto towards Varenna. The lake was quite choppy but the ferry smooth. The operators are seasoned and run ferrys on time and efficiently. 

The ride was short, Just 17 minutes to the other shore. Then "just up the hill 400 metres easy,  to the stazione". Well something like that. That hill was quite interesting. In 46 degrees it was not the weather anyone was expecting. We could have used mufflers and parkas! 

Regardless, off to Milano termini to change trains for the Eurostar highspeed to   Roma termini. Just under 3 hours. 

Tonight we meet friends of Bs for drinks before they depart for Umbria with their children. We'll meet on the Piazza della Rotunda. 

Tonight the entire gang goes to Roscoli for wine and food pairing dinner. It should be wonderful. Mostly red wines. 

Arrivederci Bellagio! 

View from the ferry as we round the point of Bellagio
New snow caps above the tree line
Coming into Varenna 

Am interesting sign ?!?

Off to Roma and our hopes it is warmer in the south ...

Arriverderchi Bellagio

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