Friday, November 16, 2012

What happened to October? I am not even sure how I got to November 16th. BUT since a lot has happened here we go with catch up. I am learning to use my new Iphone5 and I am hopeful it will make uploading fast and easy? as promised? stay tuned.

FALL FOODS HAVE BEEN Beautiful!I have been cooking like crazy trying to enjoy the  wonderful  cold season vegetables. Details later, but let's get these photos up as inspiration.

Last weekend it turned cold, so something hot and roasted sounded good . The market had the perfect fall veggies to create a dinner.

Roasted Pork Tenderloin and horseradish potatoes along with roasted vegetables:
I rolled it in horseradish and fresh sage and rosemary along with chopped garlic. The next step was to roll it in panko bread crumbs. Potatoes got a toss with sea-salt and horseradish.

 Sliced cauliflower, trimmed carrots and red onion ready to go with a dash of olive oil.
HOT oven and it really brings out the flavor with the caramelization.

Ready to eat!

 A very nice wine from C and M and it complimented it beautifully.

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