Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you and yours have the best of holidays!
I am baking and eating and loving the recipes. This holiday is all about tradition and the family recipes that make a day. It is nice to use those that have been handed down over the years and are tried and true.

Here are some shots to inspire you ...
My girls are baking like the cooks in my family. No matter where we are, we have those family recipes to share with new friends and old friends. There is nothing better. I am proud that they carry on the tradition.


Here is an apple cake I made 2 years ago for the first time. This year J loaned me her special Kaiser pans and I must say  they made the difference. It is delicious.

 These beautiful apples are black twig and the pears are local , all from the farmers market!

Isn't that a sweet bowl? It was my grandmothers and I love it . She loved Milk Glass. I'm lucky to have  this to remind me of her.

 I used greek yoghurt instead of sour cream....worked perfectly...

the batter was smooth and easy to assemble, the nuts layer goes on last ...

prepping the pans with lots of butter was key so the cake would come out easily...

 so beautiful...can't wait to taste

ready... go... flip!

just like the picture promised

I made two small ones instead of one big to share one that way...twins!

the nuts crust on the bottom was divine, the apples tasty and perfect for a cake...

C sent in this photo of a new sweet potato casserole with gruyere cheese... sound good...and looks  so good... we will report back later

CC sent in her own photos of Tuscan Pork Tenderloin appetizer...she was up early baking before heading out on the train...

Both girls  promise  to report back in later with more updates on recipe success...

We all  made candied and spicy  nuts this week... the girls made theirs and I  made some this morning

theirs are prettier!

In the mean time I thought I'd try something different with one new appetizer recipe from  Real Simple magazine and seen later on Stone Gable blog...

pastry leaves....I made mine spicy but they can also be sweet or made from puff pastry for a soup topping... next time I'm making them to top a pie.... say pumpkin pie?

 grated gruyere cheese on top with paprika and cayenne
 these cookie cutters came from William's Sonoma and I thought they were worth the purchase since they made this indentation into the dough... Stone gable recommended them and she was right... they worked

aren't they pretty? spicy but very light...

Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful to have such good friends and such a wonderful family. I hope you eat all of your favorite foods...I am!

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